"Unwoven Light" by Soo Sunny Park 閃爍微光裝置藝術

Those sparkles made me think of the shining and colourful lamp spinning around in the box of KTV. "Unwoven Light" was created by Korean American Soo Sunny Park. Of course the scale is bigger than that, kinda like some "bling bling" curtains or water shimmering above.

這讓我想到了傳統小KTV天花板上那閃閃發光/在昏暗燈光中緩慢旋轉的七彩舞台球燈. 韓裔美國人Soo Sunny Park創造出的"Unwoven Light"比那規模還要大得許多, 像是閃亮的布幔或是童話中閃爍的海洋般環繞著你.



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