“Tales You Lose” by Andre Levy 名符其實銅板畫

I think most of us will love Andre Levy's smart idea of the project - "Tales You Lose." Though some characters aren't that like they supposed to be, it still COOOOOL! (And I really want to ask him why he had so many NTD? Can you find that Father of ROC became Einstein?)

Andre Levy的系列作 - "Tales You Lose" 把銅板拿來大做文章, 即使有些角色畫得不太像(小美人魚/艾蜜莉/白雪公主等...) 還是無損於"真的很酷!"這句評論! (然後我好想問他為什麼有那麼多台幣? 國父變成愛因斯坦...呵.)

Lzr$: official currency in Modafockinland!



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