Andreas Engesvik 氣泡剔透森林

So lovely and exquisite! Those beautiful glass works was made by Oslo based designer/artist Andreas Engesvik. As many designers in Northern Europe, she gets inspirations from the dear nature surrounded her. 

Could you feel the changes of seasons, lights and shadows... of woods in Norway?

奧斯陸產品設計師Andreas Engesvik這系列的"玻璃森林"又可愛又美好又精巧. 如同大多數的北歐設計師, 其靈感也來自高緯度國家特有的"自然界感召." 玻璃的晶瑩剔透與柔和色彩講述了Andreas眼中那四季變幻光與色的樹林.


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