
Showing posts from October, 2013

Hilda Hellström 繽紛結晶體

Works by London based designer  Hilda Hellström . _

Jose Romussi 刺繡照片

Embroidered photo-collages by Jose Romussi . Love these dancers' pic below! Jose Romussi 用刺繡作成的類拼貼... 好喜歡舞者那系列, 快往下看! _

Circle Board in NYC 滑板們"轉"遍紐約

How cute are they! Mark Gonzales and the Krooked team combined 9 skateboards... Rollin' over NYC! Mark Gonzales真是老頑童! 把9個滑板們拼起來, 轉遍紐約市! (或是摔遍 via: booooooom _

“Suspended Wings” by Dukno Yoon 機械小翅膀

Feather rings again? Nope.  Dunkno Yoon 's wings can fly! 翅膀戒指...噢不,  Dunkno Yoon 的作品才沒那麼平凡. 加一點機械原理,會動呢! _

“It’s Paper” by Pingo van der Brinkloev 純白紙城市

Animation by Pingo van der Brinkloev . Actually there's no paper were used in this project. 說是純白"紙"城市, 其實 Pingo van der Brinkloev 這58秒的動畫一點紙都沒有用到! _

"Unwoven Light" by Soo Sunny Park 閃爍微光裝置藝術

Those sparkles made me think of the shining and colourful lamp spinning around in the box of KTV. "Unwoven Light" was created by Korean American  Soo Sunny Park . Of course the scale is bigger than that, kinda like some "bling bling" curtains or water shimmering above. 這讓我想到了傳統小KTV天花板上那閃閃發光/在昏暗燈光中緩慢旋轉的七彩舞台球燈. 韓裔美國人 Soo Sunny Park 創造出的"Unwoven Light"比那規模還要大得許多, 像是閃亮的布幔或是童話中閃爍的海洋般環繞著你. _

Lynn Pollard 靛藍山丘

Don't you think these are just watercolour paintings or what. Atlanta based artist  Lynn Pollard  has her own way to create that without using paintbrush: dipped paper into indigo dye multiple times over a number of days... I love the quiet blue hills. 千萬別以為這是普通的水墨或水彩畫. 現居亞特蘭大的 Lynn Pollard 有自己的一套創作方法: 把畫紙放進indigo dye, 日復一日的反覆浸泡/曬乾而得的類水墨畫. 靛藍的水波紋有種寧靜放鬆的氛圍. _

Alexandre Ciancio 人滿為患: 建築師思維拼貼

Overcrowded scenes with logical space... Yes. Those collages were made by French architect named  Alexandre Ciancio . And I found out that the most interesting part isn't just about his collage works, check out these architecture model pictures in his website! Amusing! 搞collage似乎總是喜歡影像間留點空或在平面到不行的畫面多加點莫名其妙的空間暗示, 而這人滿為患卻又充滿邏輯性空間氛圍的景象是出自於法國建築師 Alexandre Ciancio 的手筆. 恩... 看著看著, 我忽然發現最有趣的是他的建築模組圖! 不同於一般一板一眼的建築示意, 他也用了collage啊! 連色系都... 太有趣了! 快去官網看!!! (甚至一度懷疑這建築師是裝肖維) _

Andreas Engesvik 氣泡剔透森林

So lovely and exquisite! Those beautiful glass works was made by Oslo based designer/artist  Andreas Engesvik . As many designers in Northern Europe, she gets inspirations from the dear nature surrounded her.  Could you feel the changes of seasons, lights and shadows... of woods in Norway? 奧斯陸產品設計師 Andreas Engesvik 這系列的"玻璃森林"又可愛又美好又精巧. 如同大多數的北歐設計師, 其靈感也來自高緯度國家特有的"自然界感召." 玻璃的晶瑩剔透與柔和色彩講述了Andreas眼中那四季變幻光與色的樹林. via: The Woods Independent, 2013

Alex Chinneck's Public Art 房屋滑下來

This public art of  Alex Chinneck  has a cute name: " From The Knees of My Nose To The Belly of My toes."  He made the house "slipping." Seems like a couch potato slipping from the couch... 感覺好像融化的房子, 或是坐沙發沒坐像/滑下來的couch potato... 瞧瞧 Alex Chinneck 新作. _