"Vandenberg Project" by Andreas Franke 沉沒海底的幽靈城鎮
The project - "The Sinking World" made by Viennese photographer Andreas Franke. He took lots photos from underwater sunken ships' scenes, like Key West, and combined them with the photos of some retro style people and life he took in studio... Kinda weird/scary but fantastic! You can go diving there and see those underwater exhibitions... NOW!
Andreas Franke的"The Sinking World"系列拍攝了海底(如Key West附近)沈船(人工礁石)的景象, 再與攝影棚內拍攝的復古人像合成, 同時呈現有點兒幽靈城的感覺... 而"海底攝影展"這噱頭更是讓潛水玩家多了一個好去處呢.

via: CNN
Andreas Franke的"The Sinking World"系列拍攝了海底(如Key West附近)沈船(人工礁石)的景象, 再與攝影棚內拍攝的復古人像合成, 同時呈現有點兒幽靈城的感覺... 而"海底攝影展"這噱頭更是讓潛水玩家多了一個好去處呢.
via: CNN
