Bobby Doherty 刻意擺設有如繪畫色調的攝影

Kinda LIKE a boy only one year older than me... Bobby Doherty's photography. And surprisingly found out that Bobby has so many "styles" of images! Check out more in website.

有點尬藝只大我一歲的Bobby Doherty...(的攝影.) 驚訝的發現他的攝影風格有好多路數, 如同油畫般的色調/ 奇奇怪怪的擺設/ 簡約的單一物件畫面/ 挖掘日常生活中的有趣小細節... 等多得講不完, 後來我決定最喜歡他擺設物件版滿版的影像.

Openers I shot for New York Magazine’s Best of New York Issue

Openers I shot for New York Magazine’s Best of New York Issue

via: The Jealous Curator


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