"SMOK" by Hans Sapperlot 編織樣態的布料家具家飾

The Austrian designers of Hans Sapperlot made those cozy stuff. They turned traditional fabric into something like weaving, so it can be used as chairs, lamps, and carpets. Love the first pic of chair, maybe someday we can buy "SMOK" in IKEA?

奧地利設計師團隊Hans Sapperlot的作品. 將傳統的材質(loden fabric)做成有如編織的樣態, 隱藏針腳使其可更廣泛的運用. 特別喜歡首圖這張椅子, 會不會哪天出現在IKEA? 感覺鬆軟卻堅固舒適且溫暖, 現代感十足, 好想要一張SMOK阿!



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