
Showing posts from March, 2013

Brad Downey 很搞怪的街頭突襲

Works by Brad Downey . Pretty annoying, aren't it? lol 來自 Brad Downey 的作品, 大多在街頭"突襲", 商家和路人應該覺得他很煩吧XD _

Villagers – The Waves (MMOTHS remix)

Love this remix. 喜歡這寧靜的氛圍, 電子音樂remix多美好. via: booooooom _

Life Drawing at The Book Club 人體素描課小動畫

Little animation, promoting life drawing classes at  The Book Club . 簡單完美的小動畫,  The Book Club 利用學員素描課作品為主軸製成. via: booooooom _

Pulp Art Book 低俗下流又性感

I JUST learned the meaning of "seedy" and "cheesy", JUST because of  Pulp Art Book . (By photographer Neil Krug and model Joni Harbeck.) 是攝影師Neil Krug和模特Joni Harbeck的 Pulp Art Book 讓我新學會這兩個單字: seedy 和cheesy. via: UO blog _

Anna Morosini 胴體之自然美

Photography by  Anna Morosini . _

DIY Pressed Flower iPhone Case 繽紛花朵手機殼DIY

Recently, people come into questions of "Traditional cellphones v.s Smart phones"... Somehow Smart phones always looks like the same? Bigger screens and then... nothing. There's a girl named Clare who loves flowers (on  Etsy ) taught us how to make your phone case more colourful and brighter! Watch steps below! 換了智慧型手機後, 為追求大螢幕, 手機樣貌好似沒有傳統手機那麼花俏多變了? Etsy 的愛花兒部落客Clare教我們怎麼做出漂亮又獨特的手機殼! 勾起我大學修一門"標本製作"的回憶... 其中一個教學即是做壓扁的乾燥植物: 至野外採集好花草, 再將之分開排列於報紙中, 一疊一疊框上架子(標本製作專用物), 最後, 放進烘乾機靜候一周. 做好的乾燥壓扁植物就可利用於書籤/卡片的設計等. 不過這兒不需要專業的大型烘乾機來處理花瓣, 看以下Clare的教學! You will need: Pressed dried flowers 已壓扁的乾燥花 (將花放入書中, 重壓約一周即可!) Flat, solid white iPhone case 純白的手機殼 Clear craft glue 工藝用膠水(我猜三秒膠會是個好選擇) A flat and level work surface 水平/平坦的工作桌 Tape 膠帶 Scissors 剪刀 Parchment paper 大張的紙 (用來墊桌面, 其他東西也可) Ruler 尺 Thin-tip permanent marker 簽字筆 Timer 計時器 2 clear plastic cups 兩個乾淨的塑膠杯 2 wooden craft sticks 兩支冰棒棍(或是筷子,都可以啦) 50/50 clear-casting epoxy resin (I used Easy Cast) 黏著劑 Acet...