Heraa Khan 活到老一樣愛美愛花

Those smiling old ladies aren't the most interesting part of Heraa Khan's paintings. Pakistan based artist Heraa almost makes all things herself, including brushes made by squirrel's hair, the paper and paints... So cool!

真正有意思的不只是Heraa Khan作品中笑咪咪的老女人們, 生於巴基斯坦的Heraa作畫時的用具, 包含: 松鼠毛製成的畫筆/顏料/畫紙等, 都是自己製作的! 很酷吧!

p.s 老女人可沒有貶意喔! 就像"老人與海"(The Old Man And Sea)那般. 只是她的畫作從未出現old man, 因此特別註明"老女人."



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