Carlo Santambrogio & Ennio Arosio 林間透明小屋

It's seem that Milan based designers Carlo Santambrogio and Ennio Arosio love using blue glasses to make their projects. I love the concept of this transparent/square house erects in woodland, mix tech with nature... So beautiful! Let's put practically aside for a while :P

兩位米蘭設計師Carlo Santambrogio & Ennio Arosio的作品全由藍色玻璃打造. 最喜歡這個豎立在森林裡的透明方形小屋, 帶著科技前衛與自然的衝突感, 美得令人屏息! 姑且讓我們把實用性擺一邊吧!



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