
Showing posts from September, 2013

Eric White 擷取電影片段

We can find some scenes of 5.60s movies in  Eric White 's painting. Somehow it made me think of Hitchcock? Eric White 的畫作帶著5.60年代(或是更早)好萊塢電影的氛圍, 但其擷取的怪誕畫面與抖抖抖的筆觸不知怎地讓我嗅到希區考克(Alfred Hitchcock)? via: OCCUPY _

James Mylne 原子筆畫赫本

Here's another great photo-realistic artist  James Mylne , with simple BIC pens! Check out the video below. 又一個只用原子筆就能創造出精細畫作的怪傑! 要不是仔細看了 James Mylne 作畫影片(以下)我絕對不相信原子筆的能耐啊! (我的天,他要畫多久!) via: Ultra Vie _

Maxim Mjödov 陰鬱城鎮

Each photographer has their own favorite subject. Born in Estonia, Brooklyn based Maxim Mjödov  love documentary, landscape, empty spaces and loneliness of cities. Most of those subjects are present as gloomy colours. 每個攝影師都有其偏好的主題與呈現手法. 生於愛沙尼亞, 現居布魯克林的 Maxim Mjödov 風格強烈, 喜歡紀實攝影, 喜歡拍攝風景/空無一人的場域/寂寥的城鎮等, 而這些主題大多以陰鬱的灰暗色調呈現. _

Carlo Santambrogio & Ennio Arosio 林間透明小屋

It's seem that Milan based designers  Carlo Santambrogio and Ennio Arosio  love using blue glasses to make their projects. I love the concept of this transparent/square house erects in woodland, mix tech with nature... So beautiful! Let's put practically aside for a while :P 兩位米蘭設計師 Carlo Santambrogio & Ennio Arosio 的作品全由藍色玻璃打造. 最喜歡這個豎立在森林裡的透明方形小屋, 帶著科技前衛與自然的衝突感, 美得令人屏息! 姑且讓我們把實用性擺一邊吧! _

Jiro Miura 三浦二郎的野生動物世界

Jiro Miura (三浦二郎) is good at making life-like animal sculptures. Look! Those rings are so cute! Even the details like sole or tails are so exquisite. 日本人 三浦二郎 擅長使用黏土雕塑一個個栩栩如生的小動物, 最著名的應該就屬野生動物戒指系列了吧? 連腳底/尾巴等小細節也處理得好精巧. _

Hugo Barros 堅持手作拼貼畫

Most of us know how to use Photoshop to make weird but logical works. (But actually we love those illogical things in collage.) Yet Lisbon based artist  Hugo Barros  insists that his collages are handmade without computer manipulation! Okay, I think I should check out some ideas in old Discover or Natural History and make some great works! PS日趨強大, 要做出多怪誕又不違和(其實我們都愛拼貼的違和感.)的作品一點兒也不難, 但來自里斯本的 Hugo Barros 卻堅持一定要手作! 我想我也該去翻翻老 Discover 或 Natural History 來剪剪貼貼找靈感了! _

Heraa Khan 活到老一樣愛美愛花

Those smiling old ladies aren't the most interesting part of  Heraa Khan 's paintings. Pakistan based artist Heraa almost makes all things herself, including brushes made by squirrel's hair, the paper and paints... So cool! 真正有意思的不只是 Heraa Khan 作品中笑咪咪的老女人們, 生於巴基斯坦的Heraa作畫時的用具, 包含: 松鼠毛製成的畫筆/顏料/畫紙等, 都是自己製作的! 很酷吧! p.s 老女人可沒有貶意喔! 就像 "老人與海"(The Old Man And Sea) 那般. 只是她的畫作從未出現old man, 因此特別註明"老女人." _