Hope Gangloff 現代生活的美麗肖像
Hope Gangloff's work in her early ages remind me of Carine Brancowitz, and those paintings published recently I find some Alexandra Levasseur's style in it... But actually those works are from Hope Gangloff and I think the portraits of modern life are just perfect. Love those blueish hue.
Hope Gangloff早期的畫風和用色不禁讓我想到了先前提過的原子筆插畫家Carine Brancowitz, 但看著看著近來的繪畫作品又有點兒Alexandra Levasseur的味道... 是不是? 當然, Hope Gangloff詮釋的現代生活是獨一無二的. 喜歡那詭異的藍色調瀰漫其中.
Hope Gangloff早期的畫風和用色不禁讓我想到了先前提過的原子筆插畫家Carine Brancowitz, 但看著看著近來的繪畫作品又有點兒Alexandra Levasseur的味道... 是不是? 當然, Hope Gangloff詮釋的現代生活是獨一無二的. 喜歡那詭異的藍色調瀰漫其中.