"Cirrus" by Bonobo

Music video for Bonobo's new album. Directed by Cyriak. And I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! The technique kinda like Tango, but the vintage images, strange collage style and some repeated images that make me think of Chaplin's (described industrialization) silent movies... So COOL!

CyriakBonobo製作的動畫短片. 非常喜歡! 利用影片的多重曝光手法來表現. (讓我想到了之前提過那1981年出產的Tango.) Cirrus有著詭異且迷幻的拼貼動圖, 延續著一貫的vintage影像風格, 加之影像的重複堆疊疑似描寫工業化默片的機械感覺... 很酷!



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