Well Proven Chair 廢物重生椅

  We all know that how much waste is involved in constructing and producing new materials. Marjan van Aubel and James Shaw used 50% - 80% hardwood waste to make those unique chairs. Maybe it's the resolution of dilemma between environmental protection and creating new stuff.

  做過木工的人一定都知道製作過程中會產生多少的廢木屑, 總覺得有點兒可惜卻又無可奈何. 在RCA結識的兩人, Marjan van Aubel和James Shaw聰明的利用這些"製作剩餘物"來做成造型特殊的椅子們.

  如何製作呢? 先把廢木屑混和樹酯等其他原料, 使其產生化學變化, 變成好似帶著色彩的麥片粥那樣糊糊的東西, 再將之"敷上"椅子結構, 即完成這輕盈又富有造型感的環保椅. (請看最下方的影片.)

the well proven chair from james shaw and marjan van aubel 5

the well proven chair from james shaw and marjan van aubel 2

via: Design for Mankind



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