“Balloon Man’s Last Walk” by Viktor Gårdsäter

"Balloon man's last walk" is a fashion story about an elderly man's last day alive. We get to follow this man on his nostalgic journey through significant places and memories of his life, in a last walk and a farewell to his city. He is dressed up and in his hand he holds the balloon. The balloon works as a metaphor for death and in the end takes him to the sky. (via: Viktor Gårdsäter)

老人在生命中的最後一天做了些什麼? 看著Viktor Gårdsäter的照片, 跟隨老人孤寂的腳步走, 經過無數個充滿記憶的地方, 好似在與這個生活多年的城市道別. 相片中老人手裡的氣球象徵著人類必經的最後一站 - 死亡. 最後, 氣球緩緩上升, 也帶著老人離開人世. 美麗中帶著淡淡的哀愁.

via: booooooom



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