Greg Eason 精密鉛筆畫

Greg Eason, 27歲, 英國人. 以其嚴密精細的鉛筆畫為特色, 內容包含了lifes of animals, skulls, eggs... 大量留白的空間與主體訴說著死亡/精神性/人類歷史/自然...

His meticulously detailed and characteristically sparse drawings and paintings isolate and monumentalise narrative fragments and translate this into a microscopic frame. Objects become rendered as intricate miniature components within a vast negative space- creating an uneasy sense of depth and scale. His works often depict isolated characters gazing into some far-off yet imminent unspecified void. Objects are also presented as symbols- eggs and skulls are recurring motifs. The ideas explored within his practice comment upon mortality, spirituality, life, nature and the history of mankind. BL/GE 2009



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