Animation loops 訴說平凡生活的循環小動畫

Animation loops by Thoka Maer

looping animations有點讓人崩潰的美好.

目前正在Berlin就讀藝術學校的Thoka Maer創作的小動畫試圖捕捉生活中平凡.易忽視的小事件, 用其特有的幽默感詮釋. 藉由簡單手繪的風格呈現, 想必世界的那個角落的人都多少有些共鳴吧!

I like to play with perspective. I like to show the beauty of simple things, showing the beauty of the detail. I like it when people can tell from experiences, ideas and thoughts when they behold the picture.

I’m always interested in many different things, space, the deep blue sea, the human mind … and a lot more … and everytime I think about something it forms into certain images, and when I have time, I draw them, or animate them, or …

‘It’s No Biggie’

‘It’s No Biggie’ is a personal project. A very spontaneous, unplanned one. First, I called them ‘Episodes of Life’, but I soon changed it to ‘It’s No Biggie’ which, in my opinion, represents it perfectly in every way.

The animations are a kind of valve for daily life issues, the little things, which annoy us, which are funny, misfortunes and so on. It is always good not to take everything too seriously, and to be gleeful, even if it’s yourself stubbing your little toe agaaain.

I don’t have a bigger concept, I just animate what pops into my mind, or what I’ve witnessed. Sometimes, I also have a pretty certain idea behind a ‘biggie’, for example, the one with the changing heads. But, I like that everybody reads it in their own context.

Because there are no written words, the illustration and animation is totally simple, it can be understood and interpreted by everybody, in every country speaking any language. Sometimes, it is more political, but it can be metaphorical or just direct as well. The subtlety generates itself by the simplicity and the endless looping technically, I also try to keep them as simple as possible (I never really learned to animate or to draw a frame by frame animation, I’m more or less self taught). Sometimes, I have to laugh to myself, when it finally moves.

感覺時間慢慢流逝, everything still going on 又帶著靜靜的氛圍.
可惜我blog底不是白色的, 不能讓圖和背景融在一起, 這個系列在此: it's no biggie

思緒忽然飛奔到大一時選了一堂通識課, 胖胖的總是帶著笑臉的老師教我們用PS做gif小動畫...範例好像是千年不換的版本, 也就是練習用動圖做一張rubber duckie的照片,讓牠眼睛會轉動. 自由練習的時間我沒有照往常地立馬切畫面上網, 那時我用滑鼠畫了一個男人漸漸(應該說是快速)禿頭的悲劇.....

講到Rubber Duckie一定要再看一次Ernie



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