Stephen Wikes 陽光灑進廢墟醫院
Quite love something about "abandoned" and I just attended this group - Discover Taiwan Ruins' these day. Who won't love the world in Spirited Away or Castle in the Sky? Remember Day to Night? This time, Stephen Wikes took photos in an a abandoned hospital, Ellis Island. Pretty stunning.
最近有點迷戀廢墟攝影,甚至加入了同好社團!不過想想,應該說,一直都蠻喜歡的... 誰不嚮往神隱少女或是天空之城裡的世界?繼上次的日夜城市,Stephen Wikes在紐約艾力斯島(Ellis Island, 就是有自由女神像的小島)一座廢棄的醫院裡拍攝的照片... 破廢斑駁的牆和超廣角與合宜的光影色調,寧靜得好美阿!

最近有點迷戀廢墟攝影,甚至加入了同好社團!不過想想,應該說,一直都蠻喜歡的... 誰不嚮往神隱少女或是天空之城裡的世界?繼上次的日夜城市,Stephen Wikes在紐約艾力斯島(Ellis Island, 就是有自由女神像的小島)一座廢棄的醫院裡拍攝的照片... 破廢斑駁的牆和超廣角與合宜的光影色調,寧靜得好美阿!
