
Eva Solo's "Sunlight" is one of the cutest design by Tools Design, Copenhagen. You may figure out those simple lamps was lighted by solar power, but can't find any panels! That's the unique part of it. Hided and integrated! They said it will provide 20 hours of illumination after a day in full sunshine. Really? I REALLY cannot wait to see it personally! :P

"Sunlight"是哥本哈根設計團隊Tools Design替Eva Solo所創作的燈具極簡的設計,好看但也不算太稀奇?等等,顧名思義,"Sunlight"指的是藉由太陽能發亮嗎?原來獨特的地方在此,設計師將太陽能板巧妙融合並隱藏在燈具中,霧面玻璃配上鋁柱,維持一貫的北歐簡約,太陽照射一天約可使用20小時!



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