"Underwater Flight" ㄟ不是海綿寶寶的水母田

Japanese artist Sayuri always crazy about everything underwater, she thinks those creatures like "another world." And maybe she made "Underwater Flight" to pays her respect! I have to commit that these work make me think of Jellyfish Fields in Spongebob... er... Different kind of beauty! Hey, she really does study those kind of jellyfish in the world . If you don't have chance go to Portland airport, check out the video below. 我承認這個標題下得很愚蠢,但這絕對無損於 Sayuri 的美麗作品-"Underwater Flight" 。對於藝術家本人來說,海洋是奇幻無比的"另一個世界",因此她不斷仔細的觀察這些水生動植物形體以及其生活的樣態,而水母田,約莫是一種致敬吧?值得一提的是,請別以為她家水母顏色、型態只是作作樣子,讓人說"喔~好美喔~"這樣而已,她還真的認真研究水母的種類、分布、特性等, 請見此 。 無緣到波蘭機場看作品,瞧瞧以下影片過個乾癮! _