
Showing posts from March, 2014

"Underwater Flight" ㄟ不是海綿寶寶的水母田

Japanese artist  Sayuri  always crazy about everything underwater, she thinks those creatures like "another world." And maybe she made "Underwater Flight" to pays her respect! I have to commit that these work make me think of Jellyfish Fields in Spongebob... er... Different kind of beauty! Hey, she really does study those kind of jellyfish  in the world . If you don't have chance go to Portland airport, check out the video below. 我承認這個標題下得很愚蠢,但這絕對無損於 Sayuri 的美麗作品-"Underwater Flight" 。對於藝術家本人來說,海洋是奇幻無比的"另一個世界",因此她不斷仔細的觀察這些水生動植物形體以及其生活的樣態,而水母田,約莫是一種致敬吧?值得一提的是,請別以為她家水母顏色、型態只是作作樣子,讓人說"喔~好美喔~"這樣而已,她還真的認真研究水母的種類、分布、特性等, 請見此 。 無緣到波蘭機場看作品,瞧瞧以下影片過個乾癮! _

CrstalRock 水晶般吊燈

"CrstalRock" by Israel designer  Arik Levy . 以色列設計師 Arik Levy 的燈具作品"CrstalRock",模擬未經雕琢寶石樣態 。 _


Eva Solo 's "Sunlight" is one of the cutest design by Tools Design, Copenhagen. You may figure out those simple lamps was lighted by solar power, but can't find any panels! That's the unique part of it. Hided and integrated! They said it will provide 20 hours of illumination after a day in full sunshine. Really? I REALLY cannot wait to see it personally! :P "Sunlight"是哥本哈根設計團隊Tools Design替 Eva Solo 所創作的燈具 。 極簡的設計,好看但也不算太稀奇?等等,顧名思義,"Sunlight"指的是藉由太陽能發亮嗎?原來獨特的地方在此,設計師將太陽能板巧妙融合並隱藏在燈具中,霧面玻璃配上鋁柱,維持一貫的北歐簡約,太陽照射一天約可使用20小時! via: MOT/TIMES _

Yutaka Sone 白色曼哈頓

"Little Manhattan" was outlined since 1990s by artist Yutaka Sone. Not until 2007-2009 did he finish crafted. 生於日本,現居曼哈頓的藝術家Yutaka Sone從90年代就開始構思"Little Manhattan",直至07-09年才雕刻完成。這長約3公尺,高約1公尺,重2.5噸(我有眼花嗎?)的曼哈頓縮影遺世而獨立,高聳潔白,也許隱藏著"台北國"那樣的思維吧。 via: g blog _

“Last Season” by Lernert & Sander 去年的毛衣

“Last Season” by Lernert & Sander . 如果說創作的過程是再造或重組, Lernert Engelberts和Sander Plug 應該是徹底的"解構"吧。 Céline, Chloé, Jil Sander和Prada也許有些哭笑不得? via: booooooom _

Street Typography 街道上的字怎麼來的?

Those street text-painters are so talent! Watch the video below! 原來畫地板標誌的傢伙們如此厲害!一直以為有先打草稿或是紙板噴漆之類... 爐火純青的完美弧線,快看影片: via: booooooom _

Chloe Early 絢爛的華麗

Paintings by  Chloe Early . 我不知道當 Chloe Early 的models是否有點疲憊,常要跳這跳那的反覆不已。再一個題外話,若她作品來台灣展,我想也趣藝廊(Aki Gallery)絕對是不二選擇! _

Giorgio Barrera 後窗

I've learned the new word - "voyeur" recently, cos this . Check out Milan based photographer  Giorgio Barrera 's series - Though The Window. 由於閱讀了 此篇 ,讓我新學會voyeur一詞 (即使還不太會發音 。 ) 請瞧瞧米蘭來的 Giorgio Barrera 秉持著後窗(Rear Window)精神,所發展出很白話的 - Though The Window系列 。 _

Mary Anne Kluth 拼貼魔幻山

Collage by  Mary Anne Kluth . _

Guy Laramee 書山

This GUY is really COOOOL! "Mountain" books by  Guy Laramee . 這傢伙 Guy Laramee 把書給刻成山... 強. _

Seung Mo Park 朴勝模 網素描

Are these sketch? No. Or Yes? Wire sculptures by  Seung Mo Park . 身為現代藝術家, 畫得一手"寫實好素描"早已不是讓人特別印象深刻的技能了, 韓國 朴勝模 利用網狀排列深淺"畫"素描真的有創意. _