Janine Gardner 羊毛氈小景觀

We just mentioned about some cute wool-made animals by Johana Molina last week, here's wool stuff again! Janine Gardner love to make miniature scenes... Cute!

上周才提過Johana Molina的羊毛氈小動物, 今天又來羊毛氈了! 擺脫總是做成小玩偶的窠臼, 來自佛羅里達州的Janine Gardner喜歡將羊毛做成一個個溫暖的小景觀. 野菇系列擺在桌上好療癒呵.

Brown Gnome Mushrooms Pincushion Scene Made to Order

Cattails by the Pond Sculpture Home Decor - Miniature Desk Scene Made To Order

Pincushion Felted Mushrooms in Heather Brown Nature Scene Desk Home Decor Wool Sculpture Made To Order

Pincushion Gnome Mushrooms in Grey - Nature Home Decor Wool Sculpture Made To Order



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