
Showing posts from January, 2014

Alex Strohl 冷冽美景

Alex Strohl  is from Madrid and lives in Vancouver, now he is traveling in Chile. I always love those cold tone. 來自馬德里現居溫哥華的攝影師 Alex Strohl 近來旅行於智利(這段話還真繞口...), 快來瞧瞧公路美景. _

Matthew Cusick 地圖拼貼成海浪

See some sea waves by Matthew Cusick 's map collage. 一開始我不太懂 Matthew Cusick 何以分類他的作品至collage, 近照一看, 喔!原來如此. 大大小小的地圖被解構再重組成人像或海浪. _

Petros Koublis 浪花 風起 雲湧

Feels like  Petros Koublis  talk to the mother nature. 覺得 Petros Koublis 攝影時總是靜靜地與大地對話. _

Sergei Bobkov 片片木雕

See some wood animals created by Sergei Bobkov! He found some unique technique to make cedar wood-chips into those furry sculptures. Sergei Bobkov的木雕動物絕非"一塊木頭作雕刻"這樣的形式. 把木材刨成一片一片一絲一絲再經過特殊處理程序... 可是他的拿手絕活! via: The Design Inspiration _

Hovering Tree Illusion 讓樹懸在半空中

Floating tree in Potsdam, Germany! Daniel Siering and Mario Shu wrapped the tree and paint landscape on it, seems like hovered. 來自德國的Daniel Siering和Mario Shu很有意思, 搞了個"懸浮空中"的街頭藝術! 本來還以為是鏡子魔術什麼的, 原來是用畫的呀... via: Colossal _

Cabin with lots windows 迷人大片窗門

Photographer Nick Olson and designer Lilah Horwitz built this special house in the forest of Virginia. So many windows... Fantastic. 攝影師Nick Olson和設計師Lilah Horwitz兩人在維吉尼亞州的森林裡蓋了這棟奇幻小屋, 比我夢想中的大片落地窗設計還要vintage... 這樣的生活應該充滿著創造力吧! via: My Modern Met _

Felix Odell "The Mist" 山林霧氣

"The Mist" by photographer  Felix Odell , 2009. _

Boris Pelcer 被什麼吞噬

Bosnian-born artist & designer  Boris Pelcer  lived in Milwaukee, USA. I'm fond of  Something Somewhere , kinda fantastic. 生於波士尼亞, 現居Milwaukee的 Boris Pelcer 是個平面設計師/藝術家. 特別喜歡 Something Somewhere 這系列, 被煙霧壟罩的感覺很奇幻. _

Willy Verginer 雙色木人

Wood works by  Willy Verginer . 義大利藝術家 Willy Verginer 擅長雕刻木人... 老是悶悶不樂的. _