Natasha Russell 超現實精密插畫

Can't take my eyes off this intricate painting by Natasha Russell. You may wanna sit down and stare at it for 10 minutes (or more.) Others kinda like some religious paintings?

Natasha Russell的畫作好精密, 讓人想跟照片中的弟弟一樣坐下來好好地看十分鐘(或許不止.) 其他作品有種勸世畫/警世插畫的感覺. 是嗎?

Spaghetti Forest, Natasha Russell 2013, 300x300cm, linocut print, edition of 3 (with proofs of each panel)

Monolith, 2013, ink on paper on board, 70 x 170 cm, Natasha Russell



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