
Showing posts from July, 2013

Kate MacDowell 鳥語花香 x 器官

Kate MacDowell 's porcelain are exquisite and beautiful, aren't it? _

Koutarou Isobe 磯部光太郎的夏日生態美學

Works by Koutarou Isobe. (磯部光太郎) Images via: here . _

"Jersey Shore" by Christine Zona 歡樂海邊樂園

Maybe we don't have this (the same) happy memory: laughings everywhere/ salty ocean air/ cotton candy/ colourful ferris wheels... To me, it's just like the scene in  The Five People You Meet In Heaven . " Jersey Shore " is a project made by photographer  Christine Zona , to recall those sweet memories in amusement park when she was a child. 我想我們都沒有這樣的童年樂園回憶: 笑看著繽紛的摩天輪, 鹹鹹海風迎面吹來, 一手牽著爸媽, 一手拿著彩色棉花糖的無憂年華... 場景感覺就像最近重看的一部小說:  The Five People You Meet In Heaven . 米國小孩應該很有共鳴吧? " Jersey Shore "即是攝影師 Christine Zona 試圖拼湊兒時記憶的美麗系列作. via: The Jealous Curator _

Steven Vasquez Lopez 真的"畫線"

Those are drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Works by American artist  Steven Vasquez Lopez . 看布料組織紋好像沒什麼了不起的, 但用畫的... 那毅力實在了不起. 瞧瞧美國藝術家 Steven Vasquez Lopez 的繪畫. _

Miyamoto Shoji 宮本承司的日本食物版畫

Here's some Japanese food prints by  Miyamoto Shoji. 看過 Young Art 或是 dpi 應該對 宮本承司 不陌生吧? _

Li Hui 淡淡的氤氳氣息

I found Li Hui  when searching for Mary Katrantzou  2014 Resort . (Li used to collaborated with Mary Katrantzou in her 2012 A/W.) Those images are beautiful, aren't it? 近來在看Mary Katrantzou  2014 Resort , 無意間發現善於利用空間和影像創作布料pattern的她曾合作過的攝影師 Li Hui ... 淡淡的/柔美氤氳的影像風格, 作品不多卻很有張力. _

Happily Ever After 悲慘的童話故事結局

That 's so sad... Kid plz don't watch these! 看看 Matt Chase 如何惡搞迪士尼經典童話故事... _

Brian Vu 美國羅曼死

I like his images and collages . Check out  Brian Vu  again! 這傢伙的 攝影 和 拼貼 我都愛. 瞧瞧 Brian Vu 新照片. _

Violaine & Jeremy 細緻插畫二人組

Illustrations by  Violaine & Jeremy . LOVE them! _