Maybe we don't have this (the same) happy memory: laughings everywhere/ salty ocean air/ cotton candy/ colourful ferris wheels... To me, it's just like the scene in The Five People You Meet In Heaven . " Jersey Shore " is a project made by photographer Christine Zona , to recall those sweet memories in amusement park when she was a child. 我想我們都沒有這樣的童年樂園回憶: 笑看著繽紛的摩天輪, 鹹鹹海風迎面吹來, 一手牽著爸媽, 一手拿著彩色棉花糖的無憂年華... 場景感覺就像最近重看的一部小說: The Five People You Meet In Heaven . 米國小孩應該很有共鳴吧? " Jersey Shore "即是攝影師 Christine Zona 試圖拼湊兒時記憶的美麗系列作. via: The Jealous Curator _