Intricate salt installations by Motoi Yamamoto 以鹽巴作畫的裝置藝術
Incredible salt installations by artist Motoi Yamamoto. It's like whirlpool in the ocean, tides and waves to the shores, foams in the end of The Little Mermaid... So magnificent but exquisite.
藝術家山本基的作品, 用大量的鹽巴精心排列.組合而成的大型平面/立體裝置. 數大便是美. 像大海裡的漩渦, 像拍打上岸的浪潮, 像小美人魚清晨化作的泡沫.

via: booooooom
藝術家山本基的作品, 用大量的鹽巴精心排列.組合而成的大型平面/立體裝置. 數大便是美. 像大海裡的漩渦, 像拍打上岸的浪潮, 像小美人魚清晨化作的泡沫.
via: booooooom