Bob Ross 電視上最愛的畫家

快來看全美國最有名的快樂學畫畫Bob Ross教了甚麼? 如果哪天我又把塵封已久的油畫顏料拿出來玩耍的話肯定派得上用場!!! 在可愛的爆炸頭大鬍子邊畫邊說"here's the happy trees","there we go""The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it.""We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents."中不知不覺學了各種小撇步! Bob Ross總是跟你說: you can do it. 實在太激勵人心了! just try to do it by yourself!! 實在是不難理解何以成為多年來電視史上(教繪畫的)寵兒.

更多精選教學片段, 看這兒

PBS還把他的各個經典名句remix!! lol


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