
Showing posts from March, 2015

Aneta Regel 流出

Don't know what is these exactly? Very organic ceramic rings. Made by Aneta Regel  who is graduated from RCA. 不曉得這是怎麼搞的,肉團抑或是異形蹦出來,非常有存在感&有機感的一組戒指。RCA畢業的波蘭人 Aneta Regel 很擅長把陶燒這樣的組織。 _

Christiane Löhr 聚集漫遊

Please don't be out of sight! Here's not a bunch of  hairs or garbage rolling around the floor in museum, it's  Christiane Löhr 's works with natural stuff. Those paintings on simple black lines are good ones as well.  別眼花以為角落有一團頭髮或垃圾球滾啊滾,近看德國藝術家 Christiane Löhr 的作品會發現大自然的氣息!簡單黑線勾勒出的畫作也有同樣的氛圍。 _

Lisa Madigan 幽靜粉彩

I'm so in love with these simple paintings by  Lisa Madigan , kinda like ice cream or butters thickly on woods, romantic and warm, WANNA! 好喜歡!有點像奶油或冰淇淋但不過甜的厚厚油彩塗在木板上, Lisa Madigan 每個"圈圈"都駕馭得剛剛好,浪漫又溫暖,頓時有買十張掛房間的衝動。 _

Liz Payne 繡這,繡那

Okay, everyone knows I'm crazy about embroidery, here's  Liz Payne 's work, vivid colours with some thread pop out, interesting! 刺繡控如我,瀏覽 Liz Payne 的第一張作品還沒顯示出1/10時就心中吶喊啊啊啊!原本老套的鮮豔色調加上不規則的刺繡手感,很有趣。 _

Andre Ermolaev 冰島紋路

Breathtaking Ice river... Photography by  Andre Ermolaev . 非常壯闊的冰島船拍。來自 Andre Ermolaev 的攝影作品。 _

Michael Johansson 堆疊

Michael Johansson  has been invited to Taiwan last year, do you remember his work in "Very Fun Park (粉樂町)"? Piled things up with similar colours, quite interesting! 去年粉樂町有受邀參展的 Michael Johansson ,本事是堆疊物件!鑲嵌得很緊密、各個空間都配合的剛剛好!讓收納控看得非常滿足。 _

Joe Webb 留白想像空間

UK based  Joe Webb 's collages. Like the way he blanking those retro woman images. 來自英國 Joe Webb 的拼貼作品。挖空的美女圖蠻有想像空間的。 _