
Showing posts from January, 2015

Jamie Hladky 對比

Photography by  Jamie Hladky . Strong contrast. Jamie Hladky 的影像喜歡用強烈對比呈現,照片放不夠大好像氣勢也不夠。 _

Ian Stapleton 無重點照

I always love (images) artificial stuff/ architect without people. See some work from  Ian Stapleton . Ian Stapleton 的影像很安靜,也很無聊,但我喜歡。無人的黑白系列感覺又更沉靜了。 _

BIT Light 阿燈允許發揮你的創造力

Lights can DIY? Not that kind, like, buying parts and "DO IT YOURSELF." BIT Light  kinda let you design form of  home decoration. Check below! 連燈具也可以自己DIY?不是將配好的零件組裝上去"那種"DIY, BIT Light 前後接頭設計,很有創意的實現我們(某種程度上)對於全然自主DIY的渴望!瞧瞧以下gif動圖。 _

Just Grow It! 自然阿鞋

Mother nature would take over abandoned villages or architecture.  Mr. Plant  must love this concept, too. So here's an ad for Nike - "Just Grow it!" (Mr. Plant EXACTLY the same person, Christophe Guinet, I wrote last weekend .) 廢棄的建築/聚落會重新被自然佔領,想必 Mr. Plant (與 上週提過 的Christophe Guinet是同個人!)非常著迷於這個概念,繼而創造出與Nike合作的廣告計劃"Just Grow It!" _

Koichiro Takagi 刺繡塗鴉客?

I love embroidery/contemporary art/graffiti/center all things... Try get some works from Japanese artist  Koichiro Takagi . Here 's few photos I took when visiting New Taipei Art Fair last year :) 我愛刺繡,我愛當代藝術,我愛刺青感塗鴉,我愛"置中"!自然不會錯過日本藝術家 高木耕一郎 的刺繡畫!2014年的新作好像更紮實些,但在網路上真的尋不到,請見我FB少少 模糊照 。 _

張國徵 城市水彩畫

I think I'm just too lazy to painting when traveling, so decide to see some watercolour works by teacher  Guo Zheng, Zhang . The blurred effects of both sides kinda drops hint about hustle and bustle of cities? 一直很想在旅行途中抽空畫畫眼前的城市,但人懶也真不是一天兩天的事了,只能多瞧瞧 張國徵 老師的水彩畫,跟著水彩去旅行。畫中兩側渲染的感覺有點像相片中光點閃耀著,也有點暗示著城市裡喧嚷的景況? _

Natural Skateboarding 正港有機感滑板

French designer  Christophe Guinet  keeps the natural "outfit" of tree bark. Smart idea, aren't it? 真的很自然,真的很環保(?)但美不美只能見仁見智。來自 Christophe Guinet 的有機滑板,保留了自然的原始模樣。拜他所賜,無知的我現在才明白樹皮叫做"tree bark."汪汪叫的那的霸可! via: g Blog _

oookickooo 每日插畫穿搭

If you love illustration/fashion like me, couldn't miss  oookickooo ! Check her everyday streetshot(?) and nots! 14年底開始發露這位日本女子 oookickooo ,堅持著一天一篇生活小記&每日穿搭(不是他本人啦?)雖然有時覺得比例修誇怪怪,但歐美簡約穿搭絕對是大家的心頭好~ _