Lights can DIY? Not that kind, like, buying parts and "DO IT YOURSELF." BIT Light kinda let you design form of home decoration. Check below! 連燈具也可以自己DIY?不是將配好的零件組裝上去"那種"DIY, BIT Light 前後接頭設計,很有創意的實現我們(某種程度上)對於全然自主DIY的渴望!瞧瞧以下gif動圖。 _
Mother nature would take over abandoned villages or architecture. Mr. Plant must love this concept, too. So here's an ad for Nike - "Just Grow it!" (Mr. Plant EXACTLY the same person, Christophe Guinet, I wrote last weekend .) 廢棄的建築/聚落會重新被自然佔領,想必 Mr. Plant (與 上週提過 的Christophe Guinet是同個人!)非常著迷於這個概念,繼而創造出與Nike合作的廣告計劃"Just Grow It!" _
I love embroidery/contemporary art/graffiti/center all things... Try get some works from Japanese artist Koichiro Takagi . Here 's few photos I took when visiting New Taipei Art Fair last year :) 我愛刺繡,我愛當代藝術,我愛刺青感塗鴉,我愛"置中"!自然不會錯過日本藝術家 高木耕一郎 的刺繡畫!2014年的新作好像更紮實些,但在網路上真的尋不到,請見我FB少少 模糊照 。 _
I think I'm just too lazy to painting when traveling, so decide to see some watercolour works by teacher Guo Zheng, Zhang . The blurred effects of both sides kinda drops hint about hustle and bustle of cities? 一直很想在旅行途中抽空畫畫眼前的城市,但人懶也真不是一天兩天的事了,只能多瞧瞧 張國徵 老師的水彩畫,跟著水彩去旅行。畫中兩側渲染的感覺有點像相片中光點閃耀著,也有點暗示著城市裡喧嚷的景況? _
French designer Christophe Guinet keeps the natural "outfit" of tree bark. Smart idea, aren't it? 真的很自然,真的很環保(?)但美不美只能見仁見智。來自 Christophe Guinet 的有機滑板,保留了自然的原始模樣。拜他所賜,無知的我現在才明白樹皮叫做"tree bark."汪汪叫的那的霸可! via: g Blog _
If you love illustration/fashion like me, couldn't miss oookickooo ! Check her everyday streetshot(?) and nots! 14年底開始發露這位日本女子 oookickooo ,堅持著一天一篇生活小記&每日穿搭(不是他本人啦?)雖然有時覺得比例修誇怪怪,但歐美簡約穿搭絕對是大家的心頭好~ _