
Showing posts from September, 2014

Making Japanese Food Sample 美食模型怎麼做?

Really COOOOOOOL! Watch below to see how they make food sample, especially lettuce. 這真的是... 酷翻了!!如果你還以為模型都用手捏或翻模就遜透了!! via: 富邦藝術基金會 _

Marcel Dunger 木拼接項鍊

Pick some crumbs in woodwork fab, add some colourful resin... Natural style! Necklaces designed by  Marcel Dunger . 隨地撿起木工教室一塊削飛出去的木塊再加點有顏色的樹脂就是 Marcel Dunger 史代遊,頹敗的美感。丹麥設計總是不離自然呢。 _

“Paris Through Pentax” by Maison Carnot 巴黎景觀窗

Watch the cute little Paris story through viewfounder of Pentax 67. 藉由老相機景觀窗看巴黎故事。有點可愛又帶點復古氛圍的影片,Maison Carnot的作品。 _

The Unstealable Bike by Yerka Project 絕不被偷的腳踏車?

Actually, I'm not sure if you guys will love this, maybe not for lazy people (ME.) 其實我不太確定這個方便用否,但真是個好點子是吧? _

Antoine Cordet 一點失魂

French-based  Antoine Cordet  got some dreary paintings. But I love them. Say goodbye to Summer, bebe! 毫無疑問的,法國男 Antoine Cordet 筆下的畫面都很陰鬱,好似冬季死氣沉沉又尚有一絲氣息之感。但我喜歡那氛圍和髮絲不羈的筆觸。 _

“Gold” by Chet Faker 公路溜冰

Photomontage? NOPE?! Film by Hiro Murai. 一度懷疑是合成背景,真的那麼流暢啊?Hiro Murai的影像作品。 _

David Kitz 洛杉磯色彩

Try to find some great images on Insta recently, and this is so LA. Vivid colours, sweat dreams. Works by  David Kitz . 最近在新發掘Insta,看著看著,默默的又跟自己打賭這是LA。是阿,這是。失誤率=零,我也不知道為何。畫面乾淨,色彩鮮明是他的本事。ㄛ對了, David Kitz 這兒的照片都只用埃鳳拍的。 _

Ed Spence 影像重新排列

If you feel boring a lots, why not try to re-arrange photos like  Ed Spence ? First, you need to take a photo of reflective objects then cut it into little tiny pieces, and re-arrange them... Incredible. Ed Spence 非常酷,先把會反光的紙揉皺再拍照起來,剪成一小格一小格,有如pixels,再小心翼翼的拼貼成你現在看到的漸層樣貌... 對於這種累到掛點的藝術,在下只能帶著讚嘆的眼光欣賞著~(顯示為懶人) via: booooooom _

Kyle Platts 醜人插畫

So ugly... So CUTE! Illustrations by London-based  Kyle Platts . 向來討厭醜東西的我也無法抗拒倫敦男孩 Kyle Platts 的醜插畫... 哈哈! _

"Lake of Dreams" by Roy Two Thousand 沙漠星空

Please take your time for this time-lapse video "Lake of Dreams." Incredible. Roy Two Thousand  show the event  Burning Man  in Nevada 's  Black Rock Desert.  一定撥個空在睡前七分鐘來看 "Lake of Dreams" !色調美得不可思議。此影片使用縮時攝影的方式演繹每年一次於內華達州(Nevada, US)的 Black Rock 沙漠舉行的 Burning Man ,這是一個難以解釋的節日活動,是該找個機會去參與盛會呢。沙漠加上那些不明所以的大型雕塑... 奇幻得不像在地球阿! via: booooooom _