
Showing posts from May, 2014

Martin Klima 功夫

How smart is  Martin Klima ! Just dropped those porcelain figurines can display such great motion! 高速攝影是德國人 Martin Klima 的拿手把戲,沒想到掉落的功夫瓷偶能產生這麼生動的畫面,好似真的有"氣",打得不可開交,一招接一招! _

Stephen Wikes 日夜城市

You can see day and night view of the city in one image by photographer  Stephen Wikes . Er... Why so many taxi in NYC? Stephen Wikes 讓我們能在一張影像中看到日夜的轉換。呃... 紐約計程車怎麼那麼多啊? _

Laura Manfre 水彩畫單品好迷人

Every girls will screaming when see  Laura Manfre 's illustration of cat with fruit's pattern! But don't miss out portraits for man and geisha, those are perfect, too! Look at the brush stroke!!! 好喜歡 Laura Manfre 的水彩插畫。不多留白卻充滿水感?特別注意到畫男人肖像的系列,幾乎可看見時光的推移,好似GIF但不是。熱愛貓咪的人也不會錯過Laura筆下的阿貓們。 _

Steven Quinn 星空隧道?

Not enough for  Steven Quinn ? Here's a funny series of collage works. 拼貼一直都很好玩,喜歡那時空 、 物件等交錯翻玩。今天來瞧瞧 Steven Quinn 另一個 系列 ! _

Steven Quinn 小丑

"Clown Face" by  Steven Quinn , London. via: The Jealous Curator _

Maude White 極細緻紙雕

Fascinating paperwork by Maude White . _

A Tiny Pool in The Middle of The Mojave Desert 沙漠泳池

To be frank, I'm not sure isn't it a great idea to put a single swimming pool in the desert ? Uhhh... But who cannot love white square with ice blue? 我其實不太懂 在沙漠中弄個游泳池 是不是好點子,但誰能抵擋白色方型加上冰藍色的快活? via: HUFFPOST _