
Showing posts from April, 2014

Mike Stinson 溫哥華山林

I wrote about Alex Strohl's photography t w i c e.  And definitely won't miss  Mike Stinson ! Seems that there's a lots place in Canada beautiful! I promise I will be there someday. 我寫了  兩   次  Alex Strohl,身為"山林霧氣"狂熱分子我也沒錯過 Mike Stinson !看來加拿大的自然景觀真的美不勝收,我一定要去!!! _

Alex Strohl (Again.) 與大自然對話

I can't help but press the "like" button nearly on every images since  followed  Alex Strohl 's Instagram! Really fascinated by the scene with mist... Peaceful. 自從 發露 Alex Strohl 的Instagram後,本人完全晉升迷妹模式,十張照片裡至少有九張會忍不住點like!特別迷戀那薄霧環繞的景象與湖面映山色的安詳感。 _

Gary Taxali 插畫頑童

Gary Taxali  born in India, then moved to Canada when 1 year old. His parents encourage him to learn art since childhood, and Gary accomplished OCAD in 1991. Yellowing tones, dots, lines and retro is what his work give us! Those cute characters make me think of some old-school cartoon in Cartoon Network, like Popeye or what... :P Gary Taxali 生於印度,一歲時隨家人搬至加拿大,在雙親的鼓勵培養之下從小就接受藝術教育,於1991年完成OCAD學業。泛黃的色調、網點、版印、簡單線條與復古的畫風是Gary作品一貫特色,看著看著就讓我想起卜派或什麼Cartoon Network的老式漫畫,活靈活現的! via: 《做個風格插畫家》2012年。原點出版。 _

Alex S. MacLean 空拍義大利海

We love sunshine, colourful, beach, magnificent, neat and tidy... WON'T MISS photos by pilot  Alex S.MacLean ! 我們喜歡陽光、繽紛、海邊、密集、整齊、數大就是美,所以不會錯飛行員 Alex S.MacLean 的作品! _

Takeshi Ohgushi 大串武司

Works by  Takeshi Ohgushi . 大串武司 的作品。流動的筆觸,賦予傳統水墨時尚語彙。 _

Coffee Napkin Sketch 晨間咖啡x阿狗習作

Do you remember  Low-Commitment Projects ? I've follow them since the year before last year . In 2013, they only post one project a month; and then... Posted every Monday morning in 2014! "Coffee Napkin Sketch" in April, 7th is really cute, I can imagine that scrawling coffee on the napkin on a sunshine weekend. 還記得 Low-Commitment Projects 嗎?自從 前年寫過 就一直發露至今。2013年她們小幅更動計畫,每個月只發一次主題;至2014又再改一次時程,每周一早上都會有新作發表!四月七號的小作-"Coffee Napkin Sketch"挺可愛,像是周末吃完早餐,把杯底喝沒完的咖啡來塗鴉那樣。 _