
Showing posts from May, 2013

Genesis 魔幻時刻

This just BEAUTIFUL! Love Golden Hours, aren't you? 沒什麼好說, 太美了! 攝影眼最愛的魔幻時刻(Golden Hours)感覺在這部片表露無遺. _

Chelsey Tyler Wood 在箱子裡的裸女

People on boxes. It's not a unique subject, but  Chelsey Tyler Wood  did it "very realistic". 把人放在狹小空間(房間或箱子)作為攝影作品好似不是稀奇的事情了? Chelsey Tyler Wood 用極寫實油畫呈現這樣的主題. _

Food Cut In Half 食物剖面圖

Those photos make me feel hungry!!! Photos by photographer  Beth Galton  and food stylist  Beth Galton . 一直讓我想起日本拉麵店的店頭模型... 好餓! 這有趣的系列作由攝影師 Beth Galton 與"食物造型師" Charlotte Omnès 合作完成. via: feel desain _

"It's Not About the Nail" 女人的心聲

"Don't try to fix it! Please JUST LISTEN!" Maybe every girls wanna say that. 想起了朋友曾說: "有時候女生就只是想說嘛! 只要靜靜地聽完就好啦! 為什麼男生都要那麼認真的討論如何解決事情呢?" 我想這部短片簡潔用了雙關來傳達"男女差異." _

"Laser cut record made of Wood" 木頭唱片

Amazinggggggggg! Listening to music on a piece of wood! 太迷人了! 愛木質感/鐵三角/老唱盤的你跟我肯定會尖叫連連! via: booooooom _

Erik Carter 古怪美妙小插畫

Bizzare! Gonna have a crush on  Erik Carter 's designs! 我決定要開始迷戀 Erik Carter 那古怪的作品們了. 前提是他的網站能跑快一點的話.(明明家裡網路太慢還遷怒別人lol) _

John Breed 鞋子沙龍

When saw those pastel colours and high heels you might think of some works made by girls. Actually, those are from Nederland artist  John Breed . Here's the situation. If you have to see all great works in MOMA on Friday night(4:00-8:00 pm for free),  Shoe Salon Breuninger definitely will cost you more than 2 minutes to appreciate. Fabulous! Aren't it? 看到柔和淡彩色系與高跟鞋可能誤以為是個纖細女孩出的的作品. 實際上, 是位荷蘭裝置(男)藝術家 John Breed 的系列作. 即使是為了趕4點後(其實不小心流連忘返時代廣場太久以至於趕到場已經6點多)免錢看MOMA飛也似的逛到8點等著被人趕,  Shoe Salon Breuninger 絕對會是讓你多駐足兩分鐘的大型裝置作品. _

Lori Larusso 平面三度空間

Kinda like collage or print or acrylic painting. Kinda confused... Works by American artist  Lori Larusso . 有點拼貼或是輸出又有點現代壓克力畫的感覺. 平面或立體? 傻傻分不清. 來自美國藝術家 Lori Larusso 的作品. via:  The Jealous Curator _

Charlie Engman 燃燒青春美好

I fell in love with  Charlie Engman 's works after Tim Barber ! Isn't you have a sense of deja vu? YEP! Once he was UO  photographer in 11/12. Love those vivid colour/youth/weird style. 繼 Tim Barber 後我又愛上 Charlie Engman 了! 是不是覺得有種調調似曾相似, 沒錯, 又是 UO ! 他也曾擔任幾季的UO攝影師! 好喜歡那青春無敵/色彩鮮明的古怪調調. _