
Showing posts from 2010

Victor Eredel

Victor Eredel  原來這傢伙不止跟我一樣16:9強迫症+極熱愛底片正沖負, 也拿蝸牛大作文章 還有一些圖像設計 and here's some music 還有不錯的音樂可以點進去聽聽看 The Yellow Bird's First Flight 還有小電影 aren't he too gorgeous to be a friend :P Devendra Banhart - My Dearest Friend from eredel on Vimeo .

Andrio Abero 2

        Science World這系列也很精采 快到ADC young guns 裡看每個作品的細部, he is so amazing!!!!!

Andrio Abero

Andrio Abero BIO Andrio Abero is a Filipino-american graphic designer and illustrator from Seattle, living and working in the Cobble Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. His former studio, 33rpm, is internationally recognized and published with projects for Seattle's vibrant music scene. He has proudly worked with Microsoft, Comedy Central, Astralwerks, The New York Times, and Live Nation producing distinctive work comprised of integrated type and image, and is a recipient of the ADC Young Guns 4 award.         天啊我太愛他的作品了! 下集待續