Mister Finch 誤闖童話森林

I found textile artist Mister Finch when browsing on embroidery moths, then see some creepy animals and insects, like rabbits, spiders, and mushrooms with legs! Finch's "dolls'" have fantasy films' tone, I think I just walk into a "wonderwoods"...  SUPER RECOMMENDED!

非常推薦英國大男孩Mister Finch的"布偶"!原本是被一些刺繡的蛾吸引而點了Tumblr,瞧到有點劇場感的布偶、詭異的兔子和蜘蛛,無庸置疑最喜歡菇菇系列。Finch創作的立體布偶有著奇幻動畫的色調,好似闖進了從未有人煙的魔幻森林.... 大推薦!



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